
Pasajeros al Tren

Durante los proximos seis meses Susana y yo vamos a estar viajando, desde Singapur hasta Gasteiz en tren, por lo que este blog quedara temporalmente parado. Si quereis veniros con nosotros de viaje no dejeis de visitar nuestro nuevo blog, Pasajeros al Tren.

For the next 6 months Susana and myself are going to travel from Singapore to our hometown Gasteiz by train so this blog will stop updating temporarily. Don't hesitate to come with us in our journey by visiting our new blog, Pasajeros al Tren.


Still Live

Everything will disappear but we are still alive.

I once was young and strong, but youth and strength left for good and they never said goodbye neither did they slam the door, they just banished. My perception didn't allow me to feel the process of disappearance but it certainly happened as I realise just by looking at the world around me as I grow older. I'm afraid the same fate awaits for my dear ones, my favorite spot, my planet, myself... everything.

But wait a moment, some things are eternal like... ...ideas, soul, dreams, love, God! Aren't they?

Over 5000 cultures and their eternal gods and rulers of existence have disappear in recorded history so far. They might be nothing more than expressions of ourselves.

If that is true then who/what governs existence? Does that mean life is random? then... there would be no way forward, no progress... ...what would be the purpose of life?

Everything will disappear but we are still alive.

Impermanence of the tangible world Random Impermanence of the ethereal world

Si alguno de vosotros se pasa por Singapur entre el 16 de Junio y el 16 de Julio que no se pierda una exposicion en el Epsite de Orchard Road. Alli podreis ver 3 fotos que hice especificamente para esta exposicion y que yo mismo no voy a poder ver ya que estare viajando de vuelta a casa.